Plot or synopsis At the Akatsuki hideout, a weakened Sasuke hears the history of the Uchiha Clan from Madara and learns of Itachi's true intentions. Meanwhile, Kakashi and Naruto, having lost the trail, must abandon their mission to capture Itachi and find Sasuke. The team is heading back to the village when an urgent assignment comes in from Tsunade that will lead them on a perilous journey to protect a young woman!
IMDb Link........:
Genre............: Animation / Action / Comedy / Adventure
Distributor......: Viz Media
Year.............: 2007
Country..........: Japan
Director.........: Hayato Date
Source...........: DVD9 Retail
DVD Format.......: NTSC
DVD Size.........: DVD9
Programs Used....:
Video Bitrate....: 720x480
Screen Format....: Widescreen 1.78:1
Audio Language...: English / Japanese
Audio Format.....: AC3, Stereo 2.0
Subtitles........: English
Menu.............: \[x\] Untouched
\[ \] Stripped
Video............: \[x\] Untouched
\[ \] Re-encoded
DVD Extras.......: \[x\] Untouched
\[ \] Re-encoded
\[ \] Stripped
\[ \] None on source
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