Contains Otomo’s seinen oneshots that were collected in volumes (one volume missing):
1979 | Highway Star (ハイウェイ・スター)
1979 | Short Piece (ショート・ピース)
1981 | Hansel and Gretel (ハンゼルとグレーテル)
1981 | Good Weather
1982 | Boogie Woogie Waltz
1982 | Kibun wa Mou Senki (気分はもう戦争)
1990 | Kanojo no Omoide… | (彼女の想いで・・・)
1996 | SOS Daitoukyou Tankeitai | (SOS大東京探検隊)
Multiple versions included for a couple of volumes.
More info:大友克洋の漫画作品一覧
Comments - 2
Thanks for collection!!
Thank you so much!!! It’s so rare to find these…