K-ON!!, the second series.
A friend request me to rip this, and it happened I cannot find a existing one satisfying myself, so I decided to do it on my own.
all volumes. This concludes the whole series.
57 CDs of K-ON attached, including those from season I, season II, live, and CDBOX. CDs of the K-ON!! Movie will be attached when I release my rev for the movie.
Contains 9 main episode(video+main audio track), 3 SPs, 3 Menus, 9x2=18 external commentary audio, and external subtitles(chinese+japanese). should you not need the commentary audio, you may disclude “comment1” and “comment2” folders to save 10% of the file size.
The missing subtitles for Vol.06 has been uploaded: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2248636860&uk=3657779105
Subtitles are made by CASO&I.G.
pp: debanding, edge deepening with mask and limit.
Major Encoder Settings:
ref=13 / deblock=1:-2:-2 / me=tesa / subme=10 / fade_compensate=0.00 / psy_rd=0.50:0.15 / me_range=32 / fast_pskip=0 / chroma_qp_offset=-3 / fgo=0 / bframes=12 / b_adapt=2 / weightb=1 / weightp=2 / keyint=480 / keyint_min=1 / mbtree=1 / crf=17.0000 / qcomp=0.80 / aq=1:0.80 / aq2=0 / aq3=0
Comments - 1
Seeeeeeeeeeeed please