Please, Revealing my irc log won’t kill me . At least i don’t even care. Anyway grow up , you’re in the 20’s and you still want to lock me out of s1 server? thats too bad. you disable admin rights on my acccount so what and chagning my ftp passwords? i turn off the server so you can’t access it. Faggot. Seriously , stop using nyaa to reveal my stuffs dumbass. Grow up please. Banning me from your channels and baka-raws won’t stop me from anything. Stop depending your “hacked-epgrec” So what you got mbs capper? show off? you have capper doesn’t mean “she” won’t stay in japan forever , good luck hiding your capper from the police. And if you see this chat, Please don’t come being a fag and childish.
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