Title:Steins;Gate The Movie Fuka Ryouiki no Dejavu OP&ED Single -Anata no Eranda Kono Tokio&Itsumo Kono Basho de
OP Single
01\.Anata no Eranda Kono Tokio
03\.Anata no Eranda Kono Tokio (off vocal)
04\.Resolution (off vocal)
ED Single
01\.Itsumo Kono Basho de
02\.Foresight Oscillator
03\.Itsumo Kono Basho de (off vocal)
04\.Foresight Oscillator (off vocal)
320k mp3 OP:Ito Kanako ED:Ayane
File list
[IEgg] Steins;Gate The Movie Fuka Ryouiki no Dejavu OP&ED Single -Anata no Eranda Kono Tokio&Itsumo Kono Basho de.zip (90.5 MiB)
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