Main TitleBaby Princess 3D Paradise Love (a8171)
Official Titleベイビー・プリンセス 3Dぱらだいす0\[ラブ\]
TypeOVA, 1 episode
CategoriesBoing, Ecchi, Harem, Incest, Large Breasts, Novel, Seinen - similar
ResourcesAllcinema, ANN, Official page (jp), Schedule, Wiki (jp), \[more\]
Rating3.20 (481) (weighted)
Average6.06 (489)
Review RatingN/A (0)
A high school senior named Yotaro thought he was an only child—until he met his real mother and discovered that she has 19 daughters, from 0 to 18 years old. He ends up living with his "true family."
Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/10196/Baby\_Princess\_3D\_Paradise\_0\_\[Love\]#Rrey3MzS1gBi2pgu.99**
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