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\[Russian\]\[VHSRip Hukun06\] Flint The Time Detective \[Medium Quality\]\[TV\] \[01-36, 37-39\]\[Flint Hammerhead\] \[Space-Time Detective Genshi\] \[Jikuu Tantei Genshi-kun\] \[時空探偵ゲンシクン\] \[Flint el Detective del Tiempo\]\[RUS\]\[1998\]**

The show is centered around the adventures of Flint Hammerhead, the "Time Detective," a boy from the prehistoric era who was resurrected from a fossil and became a Time Detective, although his competency as a detective is dubious. Much like Inspector Gadget, much of the heavy thinking is done by Flint's friends, Sarah and Tony Goodman, who accompany him on his adventures. Flint, however, pulled his weight in battle, when he would fight with the aid of his father Rocky Hammerhead, whose partial resurrection left him a sentient, talking rock with a face. Rocky, fashioned into a hammer for Flint, served Flint as both sturdy weapon and adviser, the latter both in and out of battle. Flint's job as a Time Detective was to go back in time and convince time-shifters- cute, collectible creatures - to ally with him to protect the timeline.
Usually he fought against Petra Fina and her cronies, Dino and Mite (very reminiscent of Marjo, Grocky, and Walther from Time Bokan), servants of the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord himself sought to use the time-shifters' powers to invade the Land of Time, the creatures' home realm from whence he had scattered them. Similar to Pokémon or Digimon time-shifters originate as small, cute creatures, who can evolve into much stronger forms for a time before reverting; this usually took two forms: an evil form induced by the Dark Lord's magic (in the form of the Petra Stamp or Uglinator's mark) and a good one brought forth by Flint and his team.
Title: Flint, The Time Detective \[Flint Hammerhead\] \[Space-Time Detective Genshi\] \[Jikuu Tantei Genshi-kun\] \[時空探偵ゲンシクン\] \[Flint el Detective del Tiempo\]
Original run: 1999 – 2000
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Audio: Russian only
Video: 640x480
Quality: VHSRip \[medium quality\]
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