Title: The Wind Rises | Kaze Tachinu
Genres: Animation | Biography | Drama | Historical
Release Date: 06/18/2014
Retail Date Japan: 06/18/2012 (Blu-ray)
Runtime: 127 mins
Source: Blu-ray Region A (Japan)
Audio 1: Japanese DTS 1.0, FLAC
Audio 2: English AC3 1.0, 192 kbps
Video: 10-bit x264, @ 4649 kbps, 1920x1080
Subtitle: English, SRT (Official Translation)
Took the English audio track from here:
And added it to this:
File list
[Occam][BDrip]风立ちぬ The Wind Rises (1920x1080_x264Hi10P_flac).mkv (4.3 GiB)
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