edit: 12/30
The blood price has been paid.
Inconsistencies in contraction usage/slang/tone exist because I don't speak a lick of moon and may not pick it up. Additional errors are likely to exist because of poor editing practices, poor comma usage, etc. I won't update the script beyond this, bar grievous errors, because of this limitation.
Additional thanks to 90degrees and fuckoff00fanboy, among others.
DL \[vNO-MEMES\]\[vFINAL\]\[v7\]: http://puu.sh/dQfqd/d9d7906144.ass
Changes from v6: https://www.diffchecker.com/b3dthct0
Sorry for being late. I had a hard time getting a good picture. By the way, the text on line 82 really bothers me.
Credits for original script goes to 魚さま for [\#636163](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=636163). Special thanks to Xythar.
Comprehensive Fixes to grammar/punctuation, same flavor of subs.
DL v6: http://puu.sh/dHD5v/54e2472787.ass
v1: https://www.diffchecker.com/doluquzl
v5: https://www.diffchecker.com/xwb5jr5w
v6: https://www.diffchecker.com/vexo8mnh
src: \[[pixiv](http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47725795)\]
File list
[FishiestSubs] Rakuen Tsuihou ~Expelled from Paradise~ [v6].ass (122.8 KiB)
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