Lossless soundtrack for the anime adaptation of the classic manga Parasyte, also known as Kiseijuu.
Since there was a digital release of the 24bit/48kHz version available for direct purchase, this doesn't have a cue/log.
This doesn't have the good version of "Next To You" which I can only find on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YfKQ1v5uIo
It comes from this album: https://vgmdb.net/album/53967
Anyone know where to get a good copy of that?
edit: answered my own question but could only find MP3 format. https://hikarinoakariost.info/kiseijuu-sei-no-kakuritsu-parasyte-special-soundtrack-cd/ ... currently only the solidfiles mirror is working, so good luck future person looking for this.
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