**\[[Manga Updates](http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=81087)\] \[[MyAnimeList](http://myanimelist.net/manga/39723/)\]**
**Synopsis:** Average, everyday Japanese gameaholic gets sucked into an alternate world where he has summoner powers and life keeps turning out to be like one big video game.
**Japanese title:** 死線の召喚師
**Type:** One Shot
**Volumes:** Unknown
**Chapters:** 1
**Status:** Finished
**Published:** May 9, 2012
**Genres:** Action, Comedy, Mystery, Ecchi, Fantasy, Shounen
**Authors:** Inui, Takemaru (Story & Art)
**Serialization:** Dragon Age
**Format:** PDF
**Info Source:** MyAnimeList
**Download Source:** Batoto
**Scanlating Groups:** Japanzai
Chapters' bookmarks included.
File list
Shisen no Shoukan Shi (Deadline Summonnr).pdf (16.5 MiB)
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