I'd be angry too if I was left alone and not able to fly on a planet that had so many earthquake-like disruptions.
Anyway, here's episode 033. I noticed people were getting my earlier episodes as well but the only thing is no one was seeding them. Yes it's _my_ job to seed my stuff but I thought at least some people were seeding the rest :( Since no one was seeding them, I started seeding some of the earlier episodes so that the others could finish downloading them.
So if an episode needs a re-seed just tell me but don't expect me to re-seed 10 episodes at a time. It'll be like one at a time. But you guys already know that. Semi-rant over.
**Just enjoy the episode!**
File list
Dragon Ball Kai - 033 - Son Goku at Full Power! The Terrified Ginyu Has Something Up His Sleeve_! [Qrazed][BD-720p][96094C8F].mkv (397.7 MiB)
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