I think you guys are going to like this one… Includes Opening & Ending in episodes as well!!!
Hunter × Hunter will be next! …If I can get donations…
Tite(s): Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari (Kuro), Nekomonogatari (Black), Nekomonogatari (Kuro): Tsubasa Family, Nekomonogatari (Black): Tsubasa Family, Monogatari Series Second Season, Monogatari S2, Monogatari SS, Hanamonogatari, Hanamonogatari: Suruga Devil, Tsukimonogatari, Tsukimonogatari: Yotsugi Doll, Monogatari (series), Ghost Story, Impostor Story, Cat Story, Flower Story, Possession Story
Video: [Coalgirls] -> 1280x720p/1920x1080p MP4
[Commie] -> 1280x720p MP4
[ReinForce] -> 1280x720p/1920x1080p MP4
Audio: Japanese 2.0 channel AAC
Subs: [Coalgirls], Hanamonogatari [Commie]
Come visit my new site at http://noobsubs.net for more re-encodes.
Please Seed!
Comments - 8
I wouldn’t recommend downloading this if you use Plex. It’s a mess to get it all organized right. Just download the seperate seasons if possible.
Warning: THIS IS HARDSUBBED. I am not a fan of the subs (positioning and size). [Coalgirls] are still the best releases in my opinion.
@jacobin Organizing using this method will help:
A simple renaming of folders. Since he has already alphabetically organized it, all we have to do is rename the folders to what Plex will understand since they’re already in the correct series order.
Bake = Season 01
Nise = Season 02
Neko = Season 03
Monogatari Series Second Season = Season 04
Hana = Season 05
Tsuki = Season 06
Note: You must move all PVs/NCED/NCOP/Specials/Extras/etc and leave only the episodes. Where the seasons are, create a new folder called “Specials”
Copy paste from their site on a quick how-to: If an “episode” you have doesn’t appear in TheTVDB (e.g. DVD Specials or goof reel), place this content in the Season 00 or Specials folder named using s00eYY using a false “YY” number (e.g.: Heroes s00e99). The show will be available to play in a Plex App but won’t have any special metadata such as posters, etc.
Hardsubbed? Thanks for the warnings guys.
@PureDeletionRyuu Thanks.
Thanks for the upload.
I had only watched the first 3 episodes of nekomonogatari shiro from the torrent, but I can tell 3 things:
I went with project-gxs’s second season torrent it has a smaller size (10gb) the quality is really good, and it is soft subbed and there are no problems with the video being off