One Piece ‘remastered’ by Toei themselves (the animation and production company behind the One Piece anime).
This batch covers the Alabasta Arc (episodes 62-135) - soft subs
These are direct webrips muxed with the subs. Since no-one else seemed like they were going to rip them from CR I decided to do it.
Note that the episodes in this arc look a lot better than the first few episodes of the first arc. The second and third arcs look the best. They did a decent job (aside from the cropping) for those.
Compared to the old non-HD One Piece: the colors are nicer, lines are cleaner (for the most part - things do improve a little more in later episodes too) but please note that Toei decided to crop the video to present it in a widescreen format.
One Piece with the earlier episodes was originally broadcast in 4:3 and was done digitally, so the video has been zoomed in and the top and bottom of the video has now been cut off by Toei. This will probably remind some people of the fiasco with Dragon Ball Z being done in this way a while back.
These early episodes of One PIece are being broadcast again on Japanese TV in this way now too.
Hopefully Toei will do a better job in producing another HD version of these early episodes in 4:3 but it’ll likely be a few years, if ever (I wouldn’t hold my breath).
The other episodes up to 206 (final batch) have been posted. Scroll down for the links.
Enjoy and please seed! :D
Differences below:
Other Episodes and Resolutions:
Episodes 1-61 East Blue Arc:
1080p: #693434 | 720p: #693433 | 480p: #693432
Episodes 62-135 Alabasta Arc:
1080p: #695905 | 720p: #695904 | 480p: #695903
Episodes 136-206 Sky Island Arc:
1080p: #698065 | 720p: #698064 | 480p: #698063
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