As sage sadly dropped this series (thanks for the great work so far!), I decided to continue where they left off and finish this show to provide an alternative to Funi.
I OCR’d Funi’s subs and put them on some raws, added typeset with sage’s typeset as a base and used sage’s styling for it. The ending translation and styling is from sage, the opening translation from Funi, which I styled a bit myself (nothing much though).
Some lines of sage’s scripts were used for the sake of continuity (mostly for the prologue). Chapters are also included.
Used these raws from Leopard-Raws, as they seem to be the best ones available.
While I tried to adapt this to sage’s style the best I could, it still isn’t anywhere near comparable to the quality sage provided. The timing is quite a bit worse (Funi…) and the translation could also need some touch-ups. The raws aren’t comparable to a good encode either.
Feel free to use this as a base and make something better out of it, if you can.
You may want to use the DDL to get the files faster (see “Information” above).
If you can afford, it would be nice, if you could help with seeding.
Have fun.^^
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