I believe this is the extra disc from the PS3 game but the footage are mostly from the PSP.
It took more time writing this post than doing the encode.
`<br></br>for /f "tokens=*" %%x in ('dir /b *.m2ts') do (<br></br>echo %%x<br></br>x264.2597kMod.x86_64.exe --crf 18 --preset veryslow --keyint 960 --merange 24 --subme 10 --aq-strength 1.12 --fade-compensate 0.64 --output "%%~nx.mkv" "%%~nx.m2ts" <br></br>)<br></br>`
I hope you have nightmares tonight.
It's not my fault if you missed the torrent and there is no seeder.
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