Trails in the Sky SC - Japanese voice files :: Nyaa ISS

Trails in the Sky SC - Japanese voice files

2015-10-30 17:46 UTC
File size:
381.0 MiB
Info hash:
Here the two voice files from the Japanese version of Trails in the Sky SC, I replaced the files from my English GOG copy of this game and so far it works fine, in Options I can now select Japanese as a new voice option and have Japanese voices in the battles. I didn't beat the whole game yet (obviously since it just came out) but the same method did work just fine for FC, so I have high hopes it will also do for SC. Thanks to Falcom for making these wonderful games and to Xseed for their great localizations, just PLEEEEEEEASE include the Japanese voices in the future!!! Edit: I just read in a new blog post by Xseed that they included two characters in their PC version of the game which were previously in Japan exclusive to the PSP and PS3 versions of the game. I have no idea what this means for using the Japanese voice files, if lucky these two characters will just be silent in battles but if unlucky it might mean that they might crash the game. Maybe somehow the voice files from the Japanese PSP/PS3 versions of the game can be used but no idea yet. However by reading the blog post it seems that these two characters are optional, so we should be fine by not getting them and play the game "authentic" like the original Japanese PC version.

File list

  • Trails in the Sky SC Japanese voice (381.0 MiB)