Uploading this batch as I can't seem to find a Z-L release that includes the OVAs 12 & 13.
I grouped this together with the SubsAnon release as it looked the best for me out of the three versions I have and wasn't available on Nyaa.
If you prefer another version, I'm also helping to seed:
[\#465699](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=465699) (704x396 H.264, Softsubbed ASS)
[\#124574](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=124574) (1024x576 H.264, Hardsubbed)
Ignore the lack of seeders on the latter, only an unnecessary SFV file is missing.
Visual Quality is basically identical on all 3 releases @ 1024x576. All of these episodes other than the OVAs are TV releases.
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