FYI for anyone who downloads this: the first episode has incorrect DAR (Display Aspect Ratio) metadata that makes it appear unwatchably stretched on certain players that use DAR. If this happens to you, you can temporarily force 4:3 aspect ratio in your player settings, or if you have ffmpeg installed you can fix the file permanently by running the following command (429:314 being the proper DAR of every other file in this batch):
Comments - 1
FYI for anyone who downloads this: the first episode has incorrect DAR (Display Aspect Ratio) metadata that makes it appear unwatchably stretched on certain players that use DAR. If this happens to you, you can temporarily force 4:3 aspect ratio in your player settings, or if you have ffmpeg installed you can fix the file permanently by running the following command (429:314 being the proper DAR of every other file in this batch):
ffmpeg -i /path/to/file.mkv -aspect 429:314 -c copy /path/to/output-file.mkv