**The Vision of Escaflowne**
**:::-> Images <-:::**

**:::-> Plot <-:::**
The series focuses on the heroine, Hitomi Kanzaki, and her adventures after she is transported to the world of Gaea, a mysterious planet where she can see Earth and its moon in the sky. On Gaea, Earth is known as the Mystic Moon. Hitomi's latent psychic powers are enhanced on Gaea and she quickly becomes embroiled in the conflicts between the Zaibach Empire and the several peaceful countries that surround it. The conflicts are brought about by the Zaibach Empire's quest to revive the legendary power from the ancient city of Atlantis. As the series progresses, many of the characters' pasts and motivations, as well as the history of Atlantis and the true nature of the planet Gaea, are revealed.
**:::-> Info <-:::**
**Title:** Tenku no Esukafurone
**Year:** April 2, 1996 – September 24, 1996
**Categories:** Adventure, Romance, Mecha, Fantasy, Steampunk
**Producers:** Sunrise
**Number of episode:** 26
**Runtime:** 24 minutes
**:::-> Video specs <-:::**
\[ Info sul file \]
**Nome:** 12 - La porta segreta.avi
**Data:** 19/06/2006 13:43:42
**Dimensione:** 254,783,744 bytes (242.981 MB)
\[ Info generiche \]
**Durata:** 00:22:52 (1371.96 s)
**Tipo di contenitore:** AVI
**Streams totali:** 2
**Tipo stream n. 0:** video
**Tipo stream n. 1:** audio
**Audio streams:** 1
\[ Giudizi sulla qualità \]
**Risoluzione:** MOLTO ALTA (704 x 528)
**Larghezza:** multipla di 16 (BENE)
**Altezza:** multipla di 16 (BENE)
**Qualità DRF medio:** MEDIA (4.608501)
**Qualità deviazione standard:** MEDIA (1.166969)
**Media pesata dev. std.:** ALTA (0.778204)
\[ Traccia video \]
**FourCC:** DIVX/DX50
**Risoluzione:** 704 x 528
**Frame aspect ratio:** 4:3 = 1.333333
**Pixel aspect ratio:** 1:1 = 1
**Display aspect ratio:** 4:3 = 1.333333
**Framerate:** 25 fps
**Frames totali:** 34299
**Stream size:** 225,687,696 bytes
**Bitrate:** 1316.001609 kbps
**Qf:** 0.141615
**Key frames:** 866 (0; 300; 306; 307; 308; ... 34120)
**Null frames:** 0
**Min key int:** 1
**Max key int:** 300
**Key int medio:** 39.606235
**Ritardo:** 0 ms
\[ Traccia audio \]
**Audio tag:** 0x55 (MP3)
**Bitrate:** 160 kbps CBR
**Canali:** 2
**Frequenza:** 48000 Hz
**Chunks:** 34280
**Stream size:** 27,432,942 bytes
**Ritardo:** 0 ms
\[ Info sulla codifica MPEG4 \]
**User data:** DivX503b1031p
**Packed bitstream:** Sì
**QPel:** No
**GMC:** No
**Interlaced:** No
**Aspect ratio:** Square pixels
**Quant type:** H.263
**Frames totali:** 34299
**Drop/delay frames:** 0
**Frames corrotti:** 0
**I-VOPs:** 866 ( 2.525 %) #
**P-VOPs:** 16934 ( 49.372 %) ############
**B-VOPs:** 16499 ( 48.103 %) ############
**S-VOPs:** 0 ( 0.000 %)
**N-VOPs:** 0 ( 0.000 %)
**Max consecutive B-VOPs:** 1
\[ Analisi DRF \]
**DRF medio:** 4.608501
**Deviazione standard:** 1.166969
**DRF max:** 8
**DRF<2:** 0 ( 0.000 %)
**DRF=2:** 1 ( 0.003 %)
**DRF=3:** 5216 ( 15.207 %) ####
**DRF=4:** 15929 ( 46.442 %) ############
**DRF=5:** 1318 ( 3.843 %) #
**DRF=6:** 10747 ( 31.333 %) ########
**DRF=7:** 1075 ( 3.134 %) #
**DRF=8:** 13 ( 0.038 %)
**DRF>8:** 0 ( 0.000 %)
**I-VOPs DRF medio:** 4.003464
**I-VOPs deviazione std.:** 1.124465
**I-VOPs DRF max:** 8
**P-VOPs DRF medio:** 3.785638
**P-VOPs deviazione std.:** 0.568859
**P-VOPs DRF max:** 8
**B-VOPs DRF medio:** 5.484817
**B-VOPs deviazione std.:** 0.974893
**B-VOPs DRF max:** 7
Rapporto generato da **[AVInaptic](http://fsinapsi.altervista.org)** (10-04-2007) in data 23 lug 2009, h 13:36:13
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