I went to encode the DVD of these music videos but found the video quality was trash. Since three of the videos were available on Niconico and one on Youtube in surprisingly high quality, and since the songs were good, I put this together.
The ones off Nico came in x264 crf=20.1 - 21.5 in 853x480, which beats the quality of most DVDs. The one off Youtube was an upscale to 720 so it avoided bitrate starvation too.
The audio has been replaced by QAAC q127 from the DVDs LPCM.
Track list:
01\. 放課後ストライド
02\. 無気力クーデター
03\. 有頂天ビバーチェ
04\. 我楽多イノセンス
05\. 十六夜シーイング
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