[fishmap] Sushi Police - 10 [720p].mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[fishmap] Sushi Police - 10 [720p].mkv

2016-03-09 18:59 UTC
File size:
68.3 MiB
Info hash:
This isn't related to this week's episode at all, but hear me out. So I went to a sushi-go-round the other day. You know, a sushi-go-round. And the place was so crowded I couldn't even get a table. Then I notice the poster on the window. Half-off salmon on Salmon Day. And I'm like, are you serious? You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Don't go fucking taking up seats at the sushi-go-round for half-off conveyor belt salmon. And there are whole goddamn families in the place. What a sight. The dad's like, "all right, let's see how many plates of salmon rolls I can stack up!" Makes me fucking sick to my stomach. I'll pay for the other goddamned half of your salmon, just get the fuck out and let me sit down. Sushi-go-rounds are supposed to be a more violent place, in my opinion. Look the guy next to you in the eyes and fight it out for a plate. No holds barred. Mano a mano. Anyway, I finally grab a seat and the asshole next to me orders a spicy salmon roll from a chef in the middle. I'm about to fucking flip my lid here. Who the fuck goes to a sushi-go-round and orders a spicy salmon roll from the middle? And he's got a real fucking smug look on his face as he orders it, too. You just wanted to order something from the guy, didn't you? I want to spit in his fucking face.(以下略

File list

  • [fishmap] Sushi Police - 10 [720p].mkv (68.3 MiB)