[usotsuki] Detective Conan 528 'Juuyoku nazo o seisu (zempen)' [RAW-720p][5484FC27].mp4 :: Nyaa ISS

[usotsuki] Detective Conan 528 'Juuyoku nazo o seisu (zempen)' [RAW-720p][5484FC27].mp4

2016-03-16 14:29 UTC
No information.
File size:
301.9 MiB
Info hash:
Had to catch the second airing again, as I don't have _direct_ access to any boxen with Animax. This episode was the first one to be encoded remotely using spare cores on a friend's computer rather than on my own local machine; additionally I've changed the software that encodes my audio. The results _should_ be the same as they have been. **There will be a gap in my raws for a while following this episode: Animax skipped from episode 520 to 524.** The missing episodes are scheduled to air on March 20 (521) and 27 (522-523). That will be the last time I have to juryrig a raw to get around resequencing until 651 airs a couple \*years\* down the road. As soon as the opportunity arises and I'm up for the job, there are many episodes, as well as a few other unrelated series, that I'd like to try to do better subs of. To some extent, I'm able to do this with the resources I have, but it would do everyone better if I had some assistance, since my queue has gotten quite long and overwhelming as of late due to having to run the project basically 100% solo while working on a couple projects for The-Moonlighters and associated groups. In particular, I am looking for additional translators, translation checkers and editors, and could probably use a couple timers as well. If you're interested in helping, message Licca on [\#[email protected]](irc://irc.hoshinet.org/fusion-rips) or elsewhere on hoshinet.

File list

  • [usotsuki] Detective Conan 528 'Juuyoku nazo o seisu (zempen)' [RAW-720p][5484FC27].mp4 (301.9 MiB)