It’s finally here, the first entire book of Lost Universe. It feels like forever since I first started on the series, and I mean that in a bad way. Since I’m mostly tackling multiple projects at once like a complete moron instead of doing one at a time, but hey that’s the kind of guy I am. A moron. I could present to you a detailed report of my work on the series and the challenges I faced while translation it, but who the hell would want to read that? People only care about the material they read, they don’t care about who’s involved in the production of it. Much like most things in life, you enjoy the cake but do you even give a shit about the person who poured countless hours of their life into making it. Yeah, I didn’t think so.
Anyway the book is available through the links below, though you’ll have to go to Tumblr to get them if your on my blog since I get a DMCA if I put them here. The worlds just full of surprises.
Read Online/Download PDF:!4742%26authkey%3D!AADbadK4seuOkCY%26ithint%3Dfolder%2cdocx&t=ZDFmZDU1MWRiMjE1NDNhYjlhMWE2NGI0MWVmZWViMDE0ZTE4Mjg2NyxRQTlnOWh3bw%3D%3D
Oh and if you find any mistakes or stuff you think that needs to be fixed, let me know.
Comments - 1
Thanks for this!