And 2 years later we still wait…like…the hell, how come pirating movies is easier, than anime episode? :D seriously, I want to know how the pirating of anime works, if movies are so simple - 1) just wait till DVD / Blue Ray shows up in shops, 2) buy it, 3) make it available for pirates, 4) done. But here?
Comments - 4
Still waiting for the last one
And 2 years later we still wait…like…the hell, how come pirating movies is easier, than anime episode? :D seriously, I want to know how the pirating of anime works, if movies are so simple - 1) just wait till DVD / Blue Ray shows up in shops, 2) buy it, 3) make it available for pirates, 4) done. But here?
@smaddeus Mori is a busy man. Someday maybe we’ll get it
I’ve been patiently waiting for more than 2 years now…