Pichu Bros. in Party Panic is an anime special that was exclusive to the gamecube game Pokemon Channel.
I could not find a good copy of this anywhere online so I decided to record it myself.
Big thanks to porenta for informing me on how to record the audio without Pikachu making noises in the background.
I will replace this torrent once I have obtained all the audio files and subtitles for this special. In the meantime you may download what I have thus far.
Update for anyone wanting this. This was my torrent before Nyaa was taken down. I am scraping this video and starting over. Apparently I didn't notice that the footage of Meowth hosting a party changed randomly every time you viewed it. So I will try and record those parts as well. If anyone has the translation for the Japanese or Kasumi audio tracks I would love to add it to this video.
You are correct! I am the one that uploaded the dual subbed version of "Day in the Life of Slowking". I apologize for this late response as I didn't think anyone was still interested in these torrents so I rarely check on them. Re-seeding now.
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