Dialogue TL: Anon TL
Song TL: Various sources (gendou, animelyrics, macross.wikia), Kuromii, Anon TL
Song TLC, editing: Kuromii
Timing: Kuromii
Karaoke: Kuromii
QC: CaptainJet
Encoder: Anon
Complete loss of sanity: Kuromii
The person I asked to translate the dialogue in this currently wishes to remain anonymous, as does the encoder, both for very different reasons.
I have wanted to see an English subbed release with good karaoke for this music OVA since it came out on bluray in 2010, and I finally accepted that it just wasn’t going to be done unless I organised it myself.
Every song has original karaoke, translations, etc, even the damn nattou song.
Not suitable for potato-tier machines.
Many thanks to everyone who helped me get this done!
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