(image credit: [刃天](http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53154925))
Noragami S1+S2+OADs, 10-bit 1080p BDRip reseed fin
This show is done in cooperation with ANK-Raws, Liyun (S1) and FreeSub (S2). External Chinese subtitles attached.
10-bit AVC (S1) / HEVC (S2) + FLAC, MKV format.
**Change List**
1. Renamed files of S1 with new conventions;
2. Included fixed version of Ep.5 in S2 (previously in SP7);
3. Added OAD 3 and 4 (S2).
Please refer to "readme about WebP.txt" if you have trouble viewing WebP images.
This is a release of **VCB-Studio Monthly Reseed Project**. Every month we shall upload two torrents (one in the middle of the month, and the other in the end) which previously may be:
1. of zero or few seeders so reseeding is required to resurrect it;
2. with some missing clips/mistakes so we would like to revise it;
3. separated releases that can be batched into a single torrent.
_March 2017, 1st reseed_
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