[E-Rip Project](http://aurora-raws.com/erip_project.html)
8bit mp4 bdrip,HTML5 support and can be one click to BDMV form
see above link for details.
some bdrip could't upload to nyaa due to some file name have something like 'DVD' + '1080'
Recent in 2 days' are list below [(full list)](http://aurora-raws.com/teapot.html)
04-02 20:18 JST [\[Aurora-Raws\] あんハピ♪](http://aurora-raws.com/post-127.html)
04-02 10:03 JST [\[Aurora\] あんハピ♪](http://aurora-raws.com/post-127.html)
If you have trouble in search \[BDMV\] due to our title , please add -bdrip as [\[BDMV\]-bdrip](https://www.nyaa.se/?page=search&cats=0_0&filter=0&term=%5Bbdmv%5D-bdrip)
friendly link : [https://www.nyaa.se/?page=search&cats=0\_0&filter=0&term=ANK-Raws+BDRIP](https://www.nyaa.se/?page=search&cats=0_0&filter=0&term=ANK-Raws+BDRIP)
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