Many anime fans in the West know of the insanity that is the Excel Saga Anime. This is the Manga. This thing is just as insane, in an entirely different way.
Eons ago when I was still new to anime (2014) I saw the Anime. Thought it was some great off the wall stuff and cemented my love of self aware parody anime. A few years went by with me searching here and there for the source of the insanity. But like many I came up empty. Aside from a single guy sporadically uploading scans us English speakers had nothing online. However I lucked out back in the summer of 2017, I saw an offhand mention of it getting sold on Nook. 200+ US shekels later I had 1-26. I’ll spare the long bit of it, but I had to learn about DRM stuff but I got it done. Only 27 was now lost to the void, But wait! in my quest to read this treasure, I had previously acquired it all in physical glory. I prepped the sacrifice and ordered it’s replacement. Mediocre scans they may have been, but it was my only time scanning manga. But with a bit of help (From said Scan guy) It was done.
All to share the wealth with others. You welcome. And Please Continue to Enjoy!
Updated October 2020
Comments - 11
Thank you~!
Thankssss alotttt!!!
Thankssss alotttt!!!
ZOMG you won 1000 internet senpai!!! TY ALOT
having trouble getting the files. Is there some secret I’m missing?
absolute respect
Rarely this kind of thing happens. It’s something you only truly experience as the years begin to stack, which is why I’ve come to term with aging quickly.
You remember something from way back then, something you’ve wanted, something you’ve looked out for years.
Without avail!
All pessimistic, without any real hope and thinking it to be something lost in time, never to be attained forever you start one final search…to kill your hope and give up.
But instead of nothingness you find IT, all laid out in front of you, easy to grab, with nothing but the goodwill of the people who made it possible between.
Sorry for making this sound so super dramatic, but I’m just experiencing one of those rare, true real life EPIC events.
This is akin to marriage, first love, birth of a new life or fulfilling a big dream.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for making this happen!
I’ll read this so hard that my eye color will change to black & white.
Today…toweek…tomonth…toyear is a good year!
EDIT: I won’t stop seeding this anytime soon! ^^
This is the good stuff!! Keep on seeding please!!
Wisperer (uploader)
I can’t help but think this my most popular upload ever. That’s across 5 torrent sites lol
Raws here!
Wisperer (uploader)
lol WTF. Raws have been available for ages. I didn’t even use raws. Sourced my Files from the Viz Digital English Releases. Well other than 27. But That wasn’t on me. Had no choice but to Scan it myself.