In a word overrun by aliens, mankind is protected by genetically enhanced female warriors called Pandora. Satellizer el Bridget is the most feared Pandora at West Genetics academy, and anyone foolish enough to lay a finger on her lush body may not live to regret it. Until, that is, her status as the “Untouchable Queen” is threatened by the arrival of Kazuya, a young boy with a tortured past.
Freezing Season 1 & 2 Plus 6 OVA’s
If you encounter any playback issues with our release, please make sure you are using a recently-updated version of CCCP/KCP or mpv.
We are recruiting QCs and Editors, join #KamiFS-recruits or #KamiFS and pm KanekiKenNot or Mommoko. Feel free to join in for any other position as well.
Enjoy the release.
Comments - 5
In case, like myself, you were wondering where Ep 16 is…
This is Ep 16:
[KamiFS] Freezing - Vibration - Mate ep16 1080p h264 Uncut Eng Dubbed [E84C07F1].mp4
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