TVアニメーション CLANNAD 〜AFTER STORY〜【初回限定版】DVD Vol.1-8 Fin
Original Uploader(s):U2分享園@動漫花園
Upload speed(Reposters’/Reuploaders’):1.3MB/s
Duration:At least one year>365 days(Seed from time to time)
Please keep seeding after the download
Thanks for all the original uploaders and seeders (≧∇≦)/
Re:Happy download (´∩ω∩`)♡
Comments - 4
bluray exist.
please upload new game ova dvd iso instead.
yoroshiku (uploader)
That is true.But “初回限定版” DVD contain casts interviews,which is useful to fans to get close to staff.Awesome!
“new game ova dvd iso instead” please describe in detail,I do not know what it is.
this show.
if you can upload umaru ova 2, that would be great too.
yoroshiku (uploader)
I‘m so sorry.I won’t upload those,I think.
I just upload what I extremely love.
If you have U2,ADC or AnimeBytes accunts,you can directly download.