Sabushi Subs has stolen their Crusher Joe translation from Shiseijuu-Subs and Houshi-Roshi-Subs. They never asked for permission nor do they care about fansubber honour or ethics.
Allu clearly stated (in German) that he doesn't give a shit about other fansub group's copyrights:
After their torrent was deleted on Anidex due to theft, they're trying it here.
Allu was openly humiliated in a Skype group for fansubbers, the leader of FansubDB has openly scolded him, two big boards and the biggest anime streaming site won't host his crap and his torrent was deleted on Anidex. Luckily, there are still some fansubbers left that take pride in their work and despise such behaviour.
Allu's tendency to lie (He's known as the king of trolls on Proxer, and World of Hentai), to break rules, to steal, his lust for power and his lack of shame/remorse/empathy might raise the suspicion that he is a sociopath. Symptoms:
Shame on Allubaba and his band of robbers! Get a proper translator for your group instead of stealing old translations from groups that produced more and better content in one month than your "group" in half a year!
Actually, it's about ethics in anime piracy.
"Stealing translations." what is this, 2005?
Look, if someone wants to rip your translation for their own release, as far as we care, they're more than welcome to. I'm not sure about the state of German fansubbing, but in English fansubbing, ripping translations from other groups is considered pretty damn normal. And as far as I am concerned, the only people who have a right to complain about it are the actual copyright holders for the series in question. And last I checked, torrent sites don't give a fuck about them, either!
I'm not surprised that stealing is considered normal in the US and English scene, after all, it's what made these countries great.
In Germany, creating your own translation is an act of creation and is protected by copyright. Theoretically, I could sue the shit out of Allu, but practically, he's an unemployed bum. All I would get would be his bottles of beer, his joints and his Ibuprofen (Which he loves as one of the side effects is suppression of emotions. Wait, isn't that a symptom for sociopathy?).
Luckily, at least in the German fansub scene (and in the modding scene), there are still some decent human beings left - people with experience, talent and mental maturity - who condone these actions, who uphold a codex of honour, produce their own content and take pride in it. Allu on the other hand has to rely on others, steal and even than his group is slow and crappy as hell. Pathetic!
@OdaNobunaga - Uhh, sir. Did you work on the release that Sabu has been stolen from you?
If not, you have no right to complain. This is a torrent site.
I did nothing, am an innocent child. I got raped by OdaNobunaga and went to police, they didn't believ me and so he is now after me and wants his revenge for revealing his pedo-character. Help!
Comments - 15
Sabushi (uploader)