#### **This file is outdated. [Check out the new and improved Version 2!](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1073285)**
Translation/Timing/Typesetting: [Edo](https://edomonogatari.wordpress.com/)
Raws: Ohys-Raws
*Please support the official release if it's available in your region!*
Great Job dude. Maybe you can give Owarimonogatari 2nd Season a shot. For the moment [Commie] seem to be on a civil war and it's hard to make heads or tails of them.
@EDrag I do want to try Owari 2, but with how busy my schedule is, it'll take months to finish. I'm also considering subbing the Kizu commentary. All I can say is: we'll see.
Comments - 5
EdoPhantom (uploader)