Hi to all! Afer a long time, I upload another album of the Doujin circle “Dolce Voce”, and this one is a Vocaloid album (Plus one normal track)
This album contain 2 original songs (On Vocaloid), plus 2 Vocaloid covers of previous songs (of the Madoka Magica image album “Moshimo, Moshimo dayo… Unmei wo kae Raretara…”) and a vocal cover of one Vocaloid song (Hoshizora), the other original vocaloid song, Umbrella, was covered on the album “White”
Japanese tracklist:
Romaji tracklist:
Direct download: http://polocool95.blogspot.com/2017/07/dolce-voce-discografia.html
You want to contact me?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Polocool95
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/polo.perez.505523/
Discord: Polocool#5703
Mail: anepf95@hotmail.com
My (inactive or something) Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/polocool95
My Blog: https://polocool95.blogspot.com/
Ok, this is all, enjoy the album! Maybe in October I’ll upload two more albums of the singer (Yoma.W, alias Honkon)
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