[HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince Anime Caravan - 01 [720p].mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince Anime Caravan - 01 [720p].mkv

2018-01-10 22:38 UTC
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192.1 MiB
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  • [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince Anime Caravan - 01 [720p].mkv (192.1 MiB)
Kill it with fire
Or just don't fucking watch it. And you know most people in the anime community want K-On to be killed with fire, right?
oh did i hurt your feelings some1?? It will be ok, you do know that opinions vary right? But you wouldnt understand that would you? Too many big words?
Are you fucking retarded?
apparently you're a child who can only insult people. Not that im surprised. Its ok, i feel sorry for you.
You're a fucking child who expects this anime to be killed with fire just because you don't like it, while posting with an avatar of one of the most hated anime of all time.
more insults, predictable. Whats the matter? Cant have a normal debate without lashing out like a child? Pathetic and sad. Have a nice day some1, i have better things to do then talk to someone who acts like a 5 year old. Grow up, youll find life a lot easier if you dont act like a child
What fucking debate? What is there to debate here? And why do you keep projecting your own childishness and insults onto me? Fuck off and kill yourself, subhuman.
Nice meaningless buzzword.
"Fuck off and kill yourself, subhuman" Thanks for proving me right. so pathetic
I didn't prove you right and you are the one who is being fucking pathetic here. You won't even address the issue because you fucking can't. And didn't you just say you were leaving?
looks stupid...defenders of this shit is even more stupid.
What's stupid is demanding something to be banned just because you don't like it, while using the avatar of an anime that most Westerners want to see banned.
Maybe HS should just stop uploading on nyaa since the snowflakes here are too fucking sensitive.
autism war has been started
**K-On!** fans rock everywhere while a few haters rocket down the world.
>Maybe HS should just stop uploading on nyaa since the snowflakes here are too fucking sensitive. Thanks for the laugh
>one of the most hated anime of all time. I think you mean one of the most popular anime of all time lol. k-on fans are cancer though
beeing a Authistic person myself, i would love to see it if the retarded ppl who probebly dont even know what authism is, can only think of it in terms of a insult not realizing how many authistic ppl they insult when there using it in the wrong way, sure ppl have the right to vouch there opinions, but do get your facts straight before you start insulting ppl with the wrong use of terms like authism ;_;
No I don't mean one of the most popular anime. K-On is generally hated in the anime community. So if anything should be killed with fire here, it's K-On. Not this destined-for-obscurity show.
ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's like they knew everything I would not tolerate in my anime and threw it all together in the pot and baked it on high.
>K-On is generally hated in the anime community You know it's sold 1.5 million BDs, 3 million CDs, made 2bil in box office, its music is ranked top 10 on every chart ever, its live concerts filled domes, plus made over 15 billion yen in merchandise sales (in 2011, before the movie came out). Not to mention it won the New Type awards and its _rebroadcast_ tv ratings completely trump every other anime, including new ones. Not sure where you get "most hated" from, but all the objective data is in K-On's favour here lol.
You know damn well I'm talking about the Western anime community, not Japan.
lol it's been a while since I last saw someone get this effectively trolled, thanks for the entertainment folks
Western anime community, you must mean the faggs like you that consider themselves the core western anime community. You morons hate everything but you love it, then you go to forums post hating comments because you love the attention people give you. Nowadays you have everything, you can chose what anime to watch, what manga to read and you still complain about it. You should've been here 15 years ago, the time when you had to wait 1 month for a episode to get subbed and you had a pool of no more than 10 animes to chose from.
It has been a while since some1 got triggered hard like this.
I never said I hate K-On dumbfuck, I am saying it's fucking hypocritical to demand this anime to be banned because you hate it while using a K-On avatar. This isn't fucking rocket science you moron.
Shut the fuck up Koala. All you fucking ever do here is fucking shitpost. If this place had any fucking standards you'd be banned by now.
Oh god this is embarrassing. Allow me to explain for the troglodyte in the audience, "Kill it with fire" does NOT mean "I want this thing banned", it's a colloquial Internet-culture phrase used to hyperbolically express that you dislike a thing. This should not have to be explained, this is basic Internet knowledge. Now stop being a loud idiot.
some1 are you okay dude? You're having a serious melty there. Don't hurt yourself.
It does mean he wants it to be banned. ItsXolo, you think I'm having a "meltdown" because you're some fucking millennial so ironically detached from everything that you can't even fathom the concept of someone getting pissed off at retards.
Fuck off you nu-male.
>Shut the fuck up Koala. All you fucking ever do here is fucking shitpost. If this place had any fucking standards you’d be banned by now. Ya, aside from like 70% of the site moderation and some development I guess. >nu-male Embarrassing. Almost surprised you don't have a frog avatar. You seem angry, are you sure you're not triggered?
There is no moderation here as evidenced by the fact that you are still posting here. And no I'm not triggered, so fuck off and kill yourself.
>There is no moderation here Local man does not realise how much malware and other garbage Nyaa and Sukebei get every single day. Ignorance truly is bliss. >And no I’m not triggered, so fuck off and kill yourself. Seems a little rude. We're not on your beloved /v/ here after all.
If you are so intent on removing garbage then start by removing yourself, and then go back to /v/ where you belong.
You can't just repurpose my insult and direct it at me, that's not how this works. You've definitely lost every freestyle rap battle you've ever been in.
You act like a typical /v/ retard and you're the one who brought up /v/.
neck yourself kid
Take your own advice, kid.

HorribleSubs (uploader)

you guys shitpost a lot
Well apparently they don't want your torrents on the site.
This anime reeks of faggotry.
Just because you're a faggot doesn't mean everyone else must be too.